The best way out is always through - Robert Frost
In the case of grief, I wonder if going through is not only the best way, but perhaps the only way? The more we stuff our emotions, the more they build up, like building the wall of a dam. Eventually though, our dam can burst and all the emotions come flooding out. Often this happens in inopportune moments that we can't control. Allowing ourselves to feel the emotions as they arise is the best way to prevent the buildup and explosion. Feeling our way through, moment to moment, can be painful and difficult. We may be tempted to bypass the sadness and grief; it’s uncomfortable.
The only thing I ever promise clients is that the emotion that we feel in a given moment will eventually pass. I can't ever guarantee anything else, but I do have certainty that every emotional state is temporary. This too shall pass. We have to hang in there and trust that eventually we will come out the other side if we allow ourselves to feel every emotion.