Learn to write your own "happily ever after" following an affair

Summer 2010, I experienced the absolute worst and most painful six weeks of my life. I found out I had to make a decision about whether to maintain my daughter on life giving support...or not...I found out my then husband was having an affair with a much younger woman...my daughter died...and my husband left me. Six weeks of pure hell. Life threw events at me that I couldn't seem to manage. I was at rock bottom. How would I survive this, much less imagine that I could come out even better? I had no clue. I could only put one foot in front of the other. Some days that just meant taking a breath in and a breath out. In and out. In and out. Step by step. Step by step. That was all I could manage to keep going. Over time, I slowly learned to trust the pain would pass if I could just keep breathing. If I could just stay alive, then maybe something would change, alleviate, and I could grope my way out of the darkness. If you are in a place of suffering, I want you to know you can find a way out. Your story is not over, and you can write your own ending. I want to share with you how I found a path to healing, how I was able to write my own "happily ever after."